Presenting you the Hasbunallah MP3 Download in the beautiful voice of Mesut Kurtis. Play online or download Hasbunallah Kalam in MP3 (Audio) for free. On this page you will also get Hasbunallah Kalam Lyrics In Urdu And Hindi.

Mesut Kurtis's Hasbunallah is one of the best audio Kalam, which you can download at 320kbps by clicking the download button.

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Hasbunallah Mp3 Download By Mesut Kurtis 2024

Director: Idris Kheder

Executive Producer: Bara Kherigi

Lyrics: Ahmed Al-Yafie

Melody: Mesut Kurtis

Arrangement: Emre Mogulkoç

Recording, Mixing & Mastering: Emrah Mogulkoç

Recorded in Studio emREC, Istanbul

Hasbunallah Kalam Lyrics

Hasbunallah MP3 Download

Hasbunallah - حسبنا الله

(Allah is Sufficient for us)

يا فُؤادي

(O my heart!)

دَعْ سِوى الله

(Leave everything but Allah)

فوِّضْ الأمرَ للهِ لله

(Entrust everything to Allah... to Allah)

قُلْ ونادِ

(Say, and call out: )

حسبيَ الله

(“Allah is sufficient for me!”)

قُلْ فما خابَ عبدٌ دعا الله

(Say it, for a servant who turns to Allah is never turned away)

الله ، لا إلهَ سِواهْ

(Allah, no god but Him)

لا تُخالِطُهُ الظُّنونُ ولا العيونُ تراهْ

(He’s above all doubts, and eyes cannot see Him)

الله ، جلَّ في عُلاهْ

(Allah, may He be exalted and glorified)

هو أُنْسِي ومَلاذي أَحتَمي بِحِماهْ

(He’s my source of comfort and refuge and I seek shelter in his protection)

حَسبُنا الله ونِعمَ الوكيلْ

(Allah is Sufficient for us, and He is the best One to rely on)

نِعمَ المَوْلى ونِعمَ النَّصِيرْ

(He’s the best Master and the best Ally)

حَسبُنا الله ، حَسبُنا الله

(Allah is Sufficient for us, Allah is Sufficient for us)

حَسبُنا الله ونِعمَ الوكيلْ

(Allah is Sufficient for us, and He is the best One to rely on)

يا إلَهي

(My Lord)

أنتَ جاهي

(You are my pride and honour)

في يديْكَ مَماتي ومَحْيايْ

(My life and death lay in Your hands)

أنتَ حَسبي

(You are sufficient for me)

نوُرُ قلبي

(You fill my heart with light)

عِند ضَعْفي وهَمِّي و بَلْوَايْ

(Through my weakness, sorrow, and hardship)

مَوْلايْ، غايَتي و مُنايْ

(My Master, my purpose, and my ultimate goal)

لكَ وجَّهتُ سُؤالي و رفَعتُ يدايْ

(To you I direct my prayers and raise my hands [in supplication])

مَوْلايْ، أُنْسِي ورَجائي

(My Master, my source of comfort, and my only hope)

فأَزِلْ عنِّي كُرُوبي واستجِبْ لدُعائي

About Mesut Kurtis

Listen online or dowload Huge collection of beautiful Naats, Qawwalies, Nohay, Manqabat and Nohay in the superb vocals of Mesut Kurtis