Presenting you the Ya Hafiz Ul Quran MP3 Download in the beautiful voice of Muhammad Al Muqit. Play online or download Ya Hafiz Ul Quran Nasheed in MP3 (Audio) for free. On this page you will also get Ya Hafiz Ul Quran Nasheed Lyrics In Urdu And Hindi.

Muhammad Al Muqit's Ya Hafiz Ul Quran is one of the best audio Nasheed, which you can download at 320kbps by clicking the download button.

Ya Hafiz Ul Quran Nasheed Lyrics

Ya Hafiz Ul Quran MP3 Download

اے حافظ قرآن

O Hafiz-e-Quran

اے حافظے قرآن، پڑھتے رہنا قرآن

O Hafiz-e-Quran, keep reading the Quran

اے حامل قرآن، اونچی ہے تیری شان

O bearer of the Quran, may you fly high

یہ کلام سب سے عظیم، انسان سب سے عظیم

This declaration is the greatest; And greatest is that person

وہ زبان سب سے عظیم، پڑھتی ہے جو قرآن

And greatest is the tongue, which recites the Quran

باطن تیرا پرنور، تاریکیوں سے دور

You radiate with inner light, far away from all darkness

ہے علم سے معمور، اے علم کے عنوان

You are filled with knowledge, the very subject of knowledge

وہ حشر کا میدان، رحمٰن کا اعلان

In the field of Resurrection, the Most Merciful shall announce

تیرا ہے بلند مقام، جا پڑھتا جا قرآن

Your rank is the highest, go on, keep reading the Quran

اے حافظ قرآن

O Hafiz-e-Quran

اے حامل قرآن

O bearer of the Quran

اے قاریِ قرآن

O reciter of the Quran

اے حافظ قرآن

O Hafiz-e-Quran

About Muhammad Al Muqit

Listen online or dowload Huge collection of beautiful Naats, Qawwalies, Nohay, Manqabat and Nohay in the superb vocals of Muhammad Al Muqit